Friday, April 24, 2009

Stupid dog...the return!!!

The stupid dog is back. Last Wed when I got home from school I saw pieces of Ziploc and papers all around the TV room. After I've checked, I could realize the dog had stolen a few things from the kitchen storage room. In fact this time wasn’t my fault, someone left the pantry open, and then the dog went there and got some things. The funniest part is, he stole a pack of lentil, a box of spaghetti and a pack of sugar, which was half empty. He ate half pack of sugar, what made him sick and very hipper. That day he didn’t have his dinner, he was crying and just drink water. He had to sleep outside that night, because he was asking every third minutes to go outside. I was wondering, how come? He eats everything and he is still alive…. I don’t really know I just hate when he does it.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Last time that I've cried

The last time that I’ve cried was last Thursday. Sometimes I feel very frustrated with my pronunciation and if the lack of words to express myself. I’ve been trying hard to enlarge my vocabulary and improve my pronunciation, but it seems not get better. I think my problem is that I speak Portuguese a lot, consequently I don’t practice my English. The most frustrate thing is when I want to express myself and I don’t find the right word, or the word with the same intensity. Also I believed that none word in another language can replace a word on my first language, especially when I’m talking about feelings.

My worst habit

I have been biting my nails for years and I can say it is my worst and disgusting bad habit. I’ve tried stopping it, but I didn’t success. When I was a child my mommy put pepper on my finger, so I could avoid bit my nails, but it didn’t work at all. I’ve tried those bitter nail polish from avoid people who bit nails…but it didn’t work as well. Also from New Year’s resolution, I promised myself several times to stop bite my nail, but I just kept my promise for a few weeks. I tried acrylic nails too, I didn’t bit it, but I catch myself trying several time. Maybe one day I’ll stop it, but I’m not sure. I hate look to my finger and see my bitten nails.

Sick weekend.

Last Friday I didn’t feel good, my body was aching and my head pounding. I thought I was tired or even lazy. However, at night I felt my throat. I didn’t want to take any medicine, but on Saturday morning I wake up feeling miserable. All my body ached, my head was still pounding, and I had sore throat. The problem was, I had a birthday party in the city Saturday night, and it was from one of my best friend. I start to take Tylenol every 6 hours and take warm tea with honey, but it didn’t seem help.
At night I was feeling a little bit better and then I went to my friend’s b-day. At the bar I was feeling tired and cold, then I had 2 shots of Tequila and it helped me to feel warm. At 2:30am we decided come back to CT. I slept all the way back and we got home almost at 4:00am. Yesterday I wake up feeling miserable again, and then I went out to eat and spent all my day resting on my bed. Today, Monday, I still don’t feel good and I’ll miss my class, because I want rest and feel better for tomorrow.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Bilingual education

I was thinking about bilingual education at the early childhood. If I have had this opportunity in my life, of being fluent in English without leave my home country, I might not be here to right this post. Maybe bilingual education is a must if children are to succeed in the academic environment and in becoming more productive adults. Also, I think motivation is an important factor to help learning another language, and kids are always motivated to learn new things. I can say I had a tough experience in my first months living in the US and thinking in the way of kids learning English, my struggling could be shrunk. However, the experience of leaving in a foreign country is very valuable and nothing can replace it.

One of Brazilian environmental issue.

Brazil is a big country with different environmental issues. The most talked or is about the air pollution. I’m going to give as an example the city of Sao Paulo. With an estimated population of 11,105,249 residents, Sao Paulo is the most populous city in the Southern hemisphere and in effect of this high population; high air pollution is one of the big problems of Sao Paulo, mainly due because of high car and buses circulation. The industries have a big part in this environmental problem, ton of toxics gases are launched in the air every second, around Sao Paulo city. People are worried about and because of this, few years ago was established the law called “rodizio”, it means every Mondays cars with final plate 1 and 2 cant circulate in the city, Tuesdays plate final 3 and 4, Wednesdays 5 and 6, Thursdays 7 and 8, Fridays 9 and 0, lastly weekends are free. Also cars with high emission of smoke in the air are subjects of fines. For the industries, was established that filters should be placed in the chimney to try to block the most dangerous toxics of being launched in the air.

Older pics

One of my friends went to Brazil to vacation and I asked my mom to send her my older picture’s frame, then she could bring it to me. She came back last week and I went to her place to get my photos. I start to see the pics and get so worried about the time. It is passing so fast! I saw photos of my grandparents and they died few years ago and I got really upset about it. Also I saw photos of my older house, my older friends, and my little sister; she is 21 now!!!!! In fact it brought me lots of good memories about my childhood and also it made me remember where I came from. I wish I could upload some pics here, but I dont have the scanner, maybe I'll check out with my friends and if they have I'll do it. Next time I have a friend going to Brazil I’ll ask to it bring me my teenager’s photos!!! They are funny ….oh my goodness!!! Miss my teenager stage so bad.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

North Carolina

My trip to North Carolina was really nice. I had enough time to relax and enjoy the nice weather down there. My boyfriend’s friends were really nice and did everything to us fell comfortable. Besides that, going to North Carolina almost drove me crazy. First at all, the plane was horrible, smaller than a bus, and noisier than a zoo. That wasn’t the most problem; the problem was my lack of concentration. Before leave their house to come back home, I forgot my purse there, then we came back to get it. On the way back the same small plane, and after we lend I stopped to wear my warm boots and my coat and I forgot my purse once more. I just realized when we get in the car, then I got crazy, all my things were there, cards, phone, money, driver’s license. I went back inside like a crazy one, then the airport security called mu boyfriend; they had my purse with them. I was so relieved, and I got everything back. Back to CT, I started to look for my Honky book, and guess what??? I’ve forgotten in North Carolina.
I don’t know what’s happening to me. I’m so distracted, it never happened before, I’m so focus on my things, but for some unknown reason I’m very fuzzy.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Middle child.

I’m the middle child of three, and after read few articles I could see myself into the topics related. I’ve already heard about it, on friend’s jokes; for example: “poor girl, nobody loves you” or “nobody cares about you”, “this world doesn’t have space for you.” My mom never ever had a special time neither to my older brother nor me, however she always treated us as the same, but we weren’t. After my sister born, I really felt that I lose my little space. All the attention was focused on the little baby girl. I felt my mom was always on my brother side, protecting him, and my dad on my little sister side. As showed on the websites, I felt careless, without space, the life wasn’t fair; however, I never ever been a “problem child.” I always was the one who was solving problems, adapting to the new situations, but a little bit frustrated. The difference between my siblings and I, were not just in who had born first or last, I was the one who left my family house in search of challenges. I’m very independent, easy going, peacemaker, friendly and outgoing. In contrast, my brother, the first child, is a trouble maker, very dependent, and my sister, the last born, also is very dependent, laid back, and quiet.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Stupid dog.

Yesterday I left the house and I had forgotten a carrot chocolate topping cake on the counter. This shouldn’t be a problem IF the dog wasn’t inside by himself. When I came back 2 hours after, he had gotten the cake, broken the plate, and also cut himself. Had pieces of glass everywhere, blood all over the kitchen and also chocolate on the rug. I was so pissed off that I couldn’t say a word. I wanted kill the dog, but he is just a stupid pig dog, who eats anything and also he is a thief…LOL
I had to clean all his mess, and I was also worried about him had eaten a piece of glass.
This time was my fault, because I had facilitated, leaving the cake on the counter, but this stupid dog is always causing problems. He stills everything; for example, cereal boxes, peanuts bags, cat’s food, pretzels, etc. He also open garbage, once he opened the door and believe or not…he opened the container where we keep his dried food….(this container is dog proof). He is a such bad dog….I’m still pissed of… I want kick him so bad!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Card or money?

I love the facilities of online bank, online shopping, and everything that you I can do online without live my house. I do have credit card, to be more exact I have two of them. However, I never ever had problems with the credit cards bills. I'm very controlled with my finances, I know how much is hard to earn money, so when I have to spend it, I'm take it easy!!!!
The credit cards always help me to pay my super expensive school tuition, I can pay with credit card and I have enough time to make the money to pay it, also my credit card give money back after $50.00 dividend dollar earned.
I still don’t know what is better to carry; money or cash. I think it depends of each person. I believe the choice needs to be made based on the person ability to control itself. The choice needs to be made based on the past, in their own experiences. Personality, my choice is to carry cards.

Healthy or junk food?

I think the US is the place of junk food. I particularity don't like to eat this kind of food. When I was in Brazil, I used to like MC Donalds and all the American junk food that we have over there, but after move to the US and being in touch with this kind of food so easily, I cant stand it. I love the home cooked food, and I also like to cook.
I don't cook in my house, I live with a family how cooks very good, they love cook as well, so the food is always awesome.
I eat my native food sometimes, in Bridgeport and Port Chester have a lot of Brazilian restaurants, and the food is very similar as the one cooked by my mom. Also, sometimes I shopping some Brazilian treats and cook at my place, but this is not frequently, by the way, my favorites foods are Chinese, Japanese, and Italian, and I can say that I eat more this kind of food then my native food.